Knowle and Totterdown Local History Society
Our local history society focuses on the Knowle and Totterdown districts in Bristol. Our logo shows three iconic landmarks in our area. The signpost is the beautiful "Three Lamps" post that stands at the junction of the A4 Bath Road and A37 Wells Road. The church spire is usually green as it is the copper spire which graces Holy Nativity church on the Wells Road: a tower that can be seen from miles around from most reasonably high points in south Bristol. The tower with gothic arches is the Water Tower at the top of Talbot Hill: built by Bristol Waterworks in 1905 of red brick and stone.
We hold regular meetings: mostly to hear booked speakers on a wide variety of history-related subjects but also to share our own stories, experiences and photographs. The meetings are open to all - we are a friendly bunch and we look forward to seeing new faces. Check out our Events page to see what's coming up.

copyright 2018 Knowle & Totterdown Local History Society